Sunday 15 January 2012

Kele Okereke: The Hunter

Forgive me if i am late with this one, but yesterday I was given a copy of Kele Okereke's latest offering 'The Hunter' EP.
The opening track is 'What did I do' featuring guest vocals from Lucy Taylor. Its a good song and its really catchy but for me it is ruined by the use of the 'Dub step' Bwah bwahs that are thrown in. They are almost there to say, 'Hey, I'm current' when really the song is good enough without them.

Kele - What Did I Do
Devotion pulls the EP back in the right direction, its quite addictive in its Depeche Mode-esque nature, but ultimately the best song on this EP is Kele's cover of Q Lazzarus's 'Goodbye Horses'. Hopefully Bloc Partys release this year will be more contagious.

Kele - Devotion

Kele - Goodbye Horses

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